
The V Mini-Workshop on Symplectic Geometry is the fifth edition in a series of events which takes place in Brazil annually. The first edition of the meeting was held at UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, in 2016. The mini-workshop brings together a small group of researchers and students from Brazil and abroad working actively on Symplectic Geometry and related areas. The goal is to strengthen the Brazilian symplectic community and to connect it with abroad.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the V Mini-Workshop on Symplectic Geometry has been turned into an online event.

The V Mini-Workshop on Symplectic Geometry will be hosted by the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Blumenau/SC, Brazil. It is organized jointly with UNICENTRO and USP.

Dates: November, 05 and 06, 2020.

Organizing Committee: 
Alexsandro Schneider (UNICENTRO)
André Vanderlinde da Silva (UFSC Blumenau)
Naiara Vergian de Paulo Costa (UFSC Blumenau)
Pedro Antonio Santoro Salomão (USP).